Tammy Waldron


  • Self-love is the foundation of all personal growth and healthy relationships, including my relationship with myself and my self-talk.

  • How I listen to myself sets the precedence for how I show up and listen to others.

  • Knowing, understanding, and being grounded in my own values allows me to see and value others.

  • Being anchored into my true self enables me to create an ecosystem that I can thrive in, including all that I need to say yes to, and setting boundaries for all that I need to say no to.

Tammy Waldron founded Towanda Wellbeing in 2021 with a desire to guide people to find their inner peace + empowering people to live into their best selves. Tammy’s ThetaHealing® journey began in 2014; today she is an Advanced ThetaHealing® Teacher and Practitioner coupled with a lifetime of exploring spiritual, self-help, and leadership texts that have facilitated her knowledge and growth along the way.
Tammy is passionate about guiding people through supportive holistic coaching strategies that provide opportunities for people to discover and anchor into their true selves and embody well-being in their thoughts and actions. This is a guided path of teaching, personal contemplation, and deep meditation using the ThetaHealing® technique. Tammy’s work is guided and grounded in the following topics and principles.